Our Varsity team traveled to Detweiller Park in Peoria, Illinois- Home of the State Meet in November. The Team finished in FIFTH PLACE out of thirty-five teams, the best finish since 1996. Leading the Titans was Will Kelly (Sr) who went out at a 4:51 for the first mile, with Will Houser (Sr), Brian Hiltebrand (So), and James Kurtzweil (Sr) just behind going through the mile at 4:56/7. At the end of the race, Will Kelly ran the sixth-best time in GBS History finishing in 15:04.3! Will was followed Will Houser (15:26.0), Brian Hiltebrand (15:33.8), James Kurtzweil (15:41.4), Jayson Stamm (16:18.0), Matthew Finkel (16:44.8), and Mrugesh Thakor (17:38.9).
On the muddy Niles West course, we saw some amazing races. As a team, both the freshmen and sophomore teams tied for third with 123 points each, but the sixth man (Matthew Penne for Sophomores and James Hiltebrand for Freshmen) finished before the sixth man of the other teams. Goes to show how important every runner is!
For the Juniors and Seniors, the finish times were James Scott 17:28.45, John Bresnahan 17:42.82, Wade Herrera 17:43.62, Cody Slutzky 17:57.76, and Dane Branstrom 18:05.20.
For the Sophomores, the finish times were Elie Nassif 17:41.85, Sebastian Zimmer 18:16.45, Brett Wittenstein 18:24.48, Michael Westfall 18:34.55, Lucas Houser 18:44.23, and Matthew Penne 19:10.19.
For the Freshmen, the top-6 were Ryan Schaefer 11:40.66, Ryan Jack 11:44.60, Sully Richards 12:37.86, Ben Freidinger 12:45.07, Henry Lato 13:01.28, and James Hiltebrand 13:14.19.