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Place | School | Score |
1 | Maine South | 31 |
2 | New Trier | 52 |
3 | Niles North | 65 |
4 | Loyola Academy | 114 |
5 | Glenbrook South | 150 |
6 | Glenbrook North | 185 |
7 | Evanston | 193 |
8 | Maine East | 220 |
9 | Niles West | 223 |
10 | Maine West | 261 |
Time | Athlete | Year |
15:35 | David O'Gara | 2012 |
15:39 | Alec Sanchez | 2016 |
15:54 | Jack Whetstone | 2016 |
16:05 | Jordan Theriault | 2016 |
16:10 | Peter Westerfield | 2012 |
16:11 | Matt Jortberg | 2016 |
16:14 | Joey Pauletto | 2016 |
16:16 | Casey Henrickson | 2012 |
16:20 | Sam Stanek | 2011 |
16:30 | David Lopez | 2016 |
Date | Name | Season |
10/22/11 | IHSA 3A Regional | Cross Country 2011 |